Tuesday, December 29, 2009
DAY 236
Next morning it was again me & her 8:30a.m., cold & we travelling towards the breakfast (HALWA PURI). Again a great time & somehow we got lost in HALWA PURI & got late. She had to catch a bus at 11 for Lahore but unfortunately we missed it. She was about to cry & was in a great tense so I had to do something to calm her down. I requested her to stay calm & don’t cry but she was in great tense. While in the taxi I messaged my other friend to talk to her over the phone & while he was doing that we all planned that we take the next bus to Lahore. We had to take a 2nd class buss or main be a third class. Now I never wanted her to go alone in that buss coz was not feeling safe & she was really tensed. Even the stop the buss would make in Lahore was far from her place so I decided to go with her. I called up my other friend as I was short of cash & thanks to him that he came. I wanted him to go but he made an excuse. So me & her on the buss towards Lahore. Throughout the journey I almost kept talking. Damn! I do speak a lot. I even discovered what are the good things in me & the bad ones. Nowadays trying to fix the bad ones… We had a great time & had a very beautiful memory in that buss that I will never forget. We reached Lahore & then she got dropped at her place & I took the rickshaw back to the terminal where I had to catch a buss back to my city. She insisted that I should go in a better buss & she was so nice that she immediately called them for booking. Then it was me all alone. It got seat number 40 but then it was not only me having that seat. There was another guy with the same seat number. So I came first & I got seated. Later when I saw his ticket, I came to know that he is 30 mins late. He should have been in the buss that left 30 mins before. Well half the buss was empty but I don’t know what happened with him. So my journey started back to home & it took me almost 4 hours 30 mins to reach the city & 30 mins to reach home. When I reached home, my back pain was like hell & I just got in the bed & within no time I was asleep. Before sleeping I was really happy coz I had such a wonderful memory during my journey that I will never forget. A wonderful experience to remember. Thank you my friend for giving me lovely memories…
Last two days I had fasted & prayed for something & I’m hoping the prays to come true but I can only hope because sometimes you want something & you don’t have a way to get it & I am that unlucky person with beautiful memories. Last two days I even had some great chats with my friends & some really nice words to share. The chats were one of a kind. I never had these chats with my friend.
Today after 4 days of long weekend I’m back in the office. Before coming to the office I had to attend a funeral of my boss’s mother as she passed away yesterday. May GOD bless her & may she rest in peace. I had to travel a long way to reach the location. On the way I almost skipped 2 accidents. Both of them were very close ones. So I was thinking that weather I’m going to someone else’s funeral or am I going to mine. Reaching there I saw lots & lots of famous people. I meet my boss & he is such a nice person that he was actually walking towards everyone & hugging them. While sitting there I saw the famous Imran Khan “The Cricketer”. He was simple & I was amused that there was no such thing as security. After sometime Ijaz-ul-Haq (Son of late Gen. Zia-ul-Haq) came in. After the prayer, I actually shook hands with Imran Khan & it was nice of him to smile back. After that I came back to office but on the way I had lunch with my buddy.
In the end I would say that I am one unlucky man with so great memories…
DAY 236
Next morning it was again me & her 8:30a.m., cold & we travelling towards the breakfast (HALWA PURI). Again a great time & somehow we got lost in HALWA PURI & got late. She had to catch a bus at 11 for Lahore but unfortunately we missed it. She was about to cry & was in a great tense so I had to do something to calm her down. I requested her to stay calm & don’t cry but she was in great tense. While in the taxi I messaged my other friend to talk to her over the phone & while he was doing that we all planned that we take the next bus to Lahore. We had to take a 2nd class buss or main be a third class. Now I never wanted her to go alone in that buss coz was not feeling safe & she was really tensed. Even the stop the buss would make in Lahore was far from her place so I decided to go with her. I called up my other friend as I was short of cash & thanks to him that he came. I wanted him to go but he made an excuse. So me & her on the buss towards Lahore. Throughout the journey I almost kept talking. Damn! I do speak a lot. I even discovered what are the good things in me & the bad ones. Nowadays trying to fix the bad ones… We had a great time & had a very beautiful memory in that buss that I will never forget. We reached Lahore & then she got dropped at her place & I took the rickshaw back to the terminal where I had to catch a buss back to my city. She insisted that I should go in a better buss & she was so nice that she immediately called them for booking. Then it was me all alone. It got seat number 40 but then it was not only me having that seat. There was another guy with the same seat number. So I came first & I got seated. Later when I saw his ticket, I came to know that he is 30 mins late. He should have been in the buss that left 30 mins before. Well half the buss was empty but I don’t know what happened with him. So my journey started back to home & it took me almost 4 hours 30 mins to reach the city & 30 mins to reach home. When I reached home, my back pain was like hell & I just got in the bed & within no time I was asleep. Before sleeping I was really happy coz I had such a wonderful memory during my journey that I will never forget. A wonderful experience to remember. Thank you my friend for giving me lovely memories…
Last two days I had fasted & prayed for something & I’m hoping the prays to come true but I can only hope because sometimes you want something & you don’t have a way to get it & I am that unlucky person with beautiful memories. Last two days I even had some great chats with my friends & some really nice words to share. The chats were one of a kind. I never had these chats with my friend.
Today after 4 days of long weekend I’m back in the office. Before coming to the office I had to attend a funeral of my boss’s mother as she passed away yesterday. May GOD bless her & may she rest in peace. I had to travel a long way to reach the location. On the way I almost skipped 2 accidents. Both of them were very close ones. So I was thinking that weather I’m going to someone else’s funeral or am I going to mine. Reaching there I saw lots & lots of famous people. I meet my boss & he is such a nice person that he was actually walking towards everyone & hugging them. While sitting there I saw the famous Imran Khan “The Cricketer”. He was simple & I was amused that there was no such thing as security. After sometime Ijaz-ul-Haq (Son of late Gen. Zia-ul-Haq) came in. After the prayer, I actually shook hands with Imran Khan & it was nice of him to smile back. After that I came back to office but on the way I had lunch with my buddy.
In the end I would say that I am one unlucky man with so great memories…
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
DAY 230
"The answer is not being received from your required number."But I never even asked a question so why would I want to receive an answer? Why can’t she just say that the number you require is not responding in Urdu?
Once again I am really grateful to Allah for helping me in keeping my words as I did say to my friend that I will get her account back at any cost. I would also like to thank customer service of hotmail as they were really helpful during the process.
Yesterday while I was walking towards the Electric Company’s office to get my bill adjusted, I saw the local authorities arresting few poor people for selling vegetable & fruits on the side of the road on a four wheeler cart. They even took the cart, vegetables & fruits under custody. What the hell is going on? You can’t let the poor wrok to earn, you can’t reduce the poverty, so just shot them & finish it. What the hell is wrong in selling vegetables & fruits on a four wheeler cart? The government can only put pressure on the poor & all rules are for them. The rich people can do anything. What a blessing we have? And we are "the stupid public" who brings these stupid people again & again in the government who can’t even mange their own homes properly. I wonder when we "the stupid public" would understand & realize…
Monday, December 21, 2009
DAY 228
Saturday was a great day for both of my friends but on that same day someone hacked the hotmail account of one of my friend during the evening. She was tensed that night & even on Sunday. Sunday morning I woke up & sat in front of my computer to find the bloody hacker. I did finally get the mobile number & it will soon be blocked. Saturday night I searched the internet to find the right link so my friend can contact hotmail customer service & eventually I succeeded. Thanks to the CS as they replied & today she almost has her account back. She even received the password reset email. I’m really happy for her but even much happy to see that ALLAH helped me a lot in keeping my promise as I said to her that I will get her account back.
I have asked her for a treat but that was just a joke. I really don’t want a treat because without the help of ALLAH, I would have failed. My next step is already in process. I made the complaint against that Ufone mobile number that was provided by the hacker. That hacker was asking every online contact of her for recharge. Hope the bloody hacker gets the best recharge in life very soon.
Saturday gone & even Sunday has passed away but the memories of Saturday are still alive in the heads of my friends. One of them almost thanked me 7-8 times since Saturday. This is an honor for me. I’m so happy the way things went that day as I planned which is really an achievement for me. When you give a smile or happiness to others, it is always a very great feeling then being happy yourself. Long time back in 2000, I wrote my aim on my website & it was: To spread a smile so no one is left in sadness… It is not there anymore on the website but it is still my aim.
Today my elder sister showed me a picture of my childhood & then of my niece & wow, what a resemblance. She actually is my childhood. They were all thinking that she resembles her grand father. Well! I just wish that she never gets the luck I have. Oh! It’s not luck… It’s bad bad bad bad luck…
Saturday, December 19, 2009
DAY 226
I planned it all last night while chatting with them & it actually turned into a dream day for both of them. It started in the morning as I planned when I went to pick one of them from NARC. The first thing I did when we met was that I apologized for that day & this time it was face to face. I think I needed to do that so I did it. From there we took a local transport towards the bank. It took us almost 50 mins to reach the bank & when we finished the work there, we started wondering around. My other friend had to join us at 1:30 for lunch with his brother so we had sometime. We spent sometime in window shopping. She had to buy a few things & while wondering around I actually made her walk on a path she will never forget. It was like walking on a cement bridge with no safe sides on both ends & if u fall either side, u end up in garbage with broken bones but in the end she had fun as I could see in her eyes. She had fear while walking & it was all gone when we actually walked on it. We had some ice-cream & then as usual my friend messaged me saying that he’s getting late so he asked us to have lunch & then he will join. So we went to have Savor & while all this we had few good chats. Well! I think they were good but really don’t know if she thinks the same…
After having lunch we walked all the way to the point where my other friend had to meet us. He came there with a real short haircut which was actually liked & praised by my other friend. He was not with his brother coz his brother was not feeling too good about all this & maybe coz of my reaction that day. From there we forced him to have a burger, well actually 2 burgers & then we started a new journey towards the hiking track.

Even the normal path was tough & I don’t know why as at some stage I felt falling but I did not give up & kept walking. It took us a good time to

Throughout the journey I did not sit & I did not even drink water.

She was tired & she was not feeling well so I would really like to salute her for doing all that. We planned to have some rest & there again I did not rest & started acting so strange & a bit funny. I wanted them to laugh & smile. One of them actually started believing that I’m just like a drunk person. He kept asking me if I have eaten something that is making me acting so strange but no it was my great acting that made him believe that. At one stage when the roads were empty I started pretending that I have stopped a taxi & then I turned to my friends & asked them where to go & one of them, she actually said Supermarket like I had actually stopped a taxi. We all had a good laugh on that. We walked all the way to the market & I kept joking.
Reaching at one point we took the local transport to the market & then she had to buy some stationary & while doing that she even bought some CD(s) & then we had ice-cream. We had plans for coffee in actual but my dear friend only insisted on ice-cream. All this time I did not sit anywhere for rest & I could actually feel a great pain in both of my legs but for great days, one has to bear pain. We took the taxi towards NARC where we had to drop her. On the way I was thinking of writing all this on my blog as I could see both of them so happy & I was feeling so proud of actually making their day & giving them their Saturday back.
After dropping her, I & my other friend, we even got ourselves dropped at one stage & then we walked for a while & we shared a few words on the whole day. Then at one stage we got separated as I had to turn towards my home. While walking towards home I asked myself that did they both go home with a smile & the answer was yes. Someday if someone asks me what is my achievement, I can say I gave two people happiness & smile as I planned. Thank you GOD for giving me a chance to say sorry to them in a different style. I have just sent them the pics that I took on the track. My dear friends, consider the pics as a gift & my way of saying sorry.
I can surly say that they had a wonderful time & I can even say that they really don’t wanted the day to end but everything comes to an end, even good things. So all well the ends well…
Friday, December 18, 2009
DAY 225
Now I want to go back on that hiking track which was left that day. I want to go on the top & I want to feel the moments of joy that I had that day. I want to feel every single moment & want to bring the great memories of the past & want to spend sometime with them as I need to remove that one Saturday from my life. I really wish I could go back in time & just skip that one Saturday but to miss that Saturday I need a new Saturday to convert it into a great day so I can forget the worse Saturday. Does this make any sense??? No?? Good…
Today I also felt something. When ever people fight while they do have a huge amount of love & respect in their heart for each other, they come even more close. This what I felt today & even one of my friend agreed on that. According to her, we feel the importance of others while we go away which brings us back even more close. So true… On the other hand my other friend says if that’s the case, he will fight every week to come closer. Let me clear it… We are talking about huge huge huge amount of love & respect… Keep fighting & soon you will loose both… Jokes apart but being away from each other do make us feel how important others are in our lives.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
DAY 223
Last night when I was trying to sleep, somehow I had a flashback of the moments I had with one of my friend on the hiking tracks. She is still angry with me as I deserve that coz I had been rude to her for no reason. That memory actually made me send her a message of sorry again. I know sometimes its not easy to forgive but when you take your mind back into the past & try to search for that one best moment you have with other, a smile appear on your face & drops of tears from your eyes fall down. That is the moment you forgive & that is the moment you can even ask for forgiveness coz at that moment you feel what you have lost.
I have decided that if I ever got anger in me again, I will just walk away & will request my love ones not to talk to me for sometimes as I really don’t want to hurt feelings of people I love & care for. We do say a lot in anger but half of the things we don’t even mean it. I said a lot too that night but it was mostly in anger & the reasons those words or thoughts came out of my mind was the pain I had that day & the way pain converted into anger. I wish my friends (Still not sure I have lost them or not) had understood that I was just going through a stupid phase of pain & anger.
Well! What’s gone is gone, what’s done is done. At least I made one of them realize that he hurt me & the other one made me realize that I hurt her. I know I should have not done what I did but honestly it was just a natural human reaction. Ok! I know in anger I’m not a human, I turn into a devil or something similar to that. I think I need “Anger Management” classes… Once again I’m really sorry for hurting the feelings & being rude to my love ones. Hope they will forgive me…
Monday, December 14, 2009
DAY 221
Two days back I got hurt & in anger I hurt others. I wish I never had. It was not their fault but somehow in anger I failed to control myself. I actually acted as a real rude person to both of my friends. I don’t know if they still are my friends coz one of them hurt me & I hurt the other one.
In anger we say a lot of things that we don’t mean. I hate conversations in anger & I try to avoid them. The best I do is take a long walk & stay away from everything. This I should have done on Saturday. I should have walked away that same minute instead of sitting in the taxi. That way I would have not hurt others. I acted rude with one such person who is soooooo close to my heart & for that I will never ever forgive myself. I will hurt myself for that. I want to apologize to her for my rude behavior. I am not asking for forgiveness as I don’t deserve it but I was rude so I will punish myself for that.
Saturday night & all Sunday I was not able to come out of it. The pain & the anger kept on growing. I was even rude to my lovely cats. I took a long walk Sunday evening but somehow it did not help. I wanted to skip the office today but I did not coz I just don’t want to disturb my professional life. Sometimes you feel standing at a point where you don’t find u-turns. Sunday night I forgave one of my friends (Still not sure if he is my friend). We all three made mistakes that day. He lied, I got in anger, I acted rude & the other of us, she instead of cooling me down started defending him. I still remember that in the morning when I came to know that he was late & she was angry with him, I sent a message to her saying, “I apologize on his behalf”. Even though it was not my fault & I know it was his fault but I did not defend him. She could have cooled me down in some other way but she did not. So we all three made mistakes but in the end, it was me with lots & lots of pain all 3 days & still my pain is there. My pain is there coz I deserve it. I had no rights to be rude to her. I still wish both of them happiness & best future… See what happens when you don't listen to your parents???
Sunday, December 13, 2009
DAY 220
Let me go back on Friday when I wrote these lines & turned them into a song after almost 5 years. I call it "ACHA HAI"
First let me tell you this that Thursday & Friday, my level of luck was really high & I did not know about it. I won 3 bets, two on Thursday & 1 on Friday. I was about to bet on one more thing with my ex-friend. He said that at the end of Friday, my other ex-friend will praise your lines & I said no she will not. So he asked me to bet & I refused as I thought she might would but she never did & damn I missed a chance to win the bet. She never praised it coz these words never mean anything in her life. She is just one practical person.
That night we had plans for the movie on Saturday & I wanted to skip the plan but the one who was my friend & still works with me in the office as my Manager, asked me to let it make a surprise for her. Unfortunately I agreed on that. Damn!! Why the hell I did that???
Since morning one of them knew I was coming but the other one was unaware of it just to surprise her. I think when a trip starts in a bad mood it always ends in the same. So while I was waiting on the side of the road for almost 45 mins where as per plan he has to pick me up while she was with him, no one showed up. I kept on messaging but never got a reply. So I called & what I get was only lies. Since morning I was getting lies from him. Well! What a real talented person he is. At least he can lie in a great manner without breaks. I was standing there & he was telling me that we will go to the movie directly while skipping the lunch coz I am sure by that time they both had their lunch or something to eat at least. So why I was not informed??? He could have messaged me saying have your lunch & then we shall meet but why would he care, he was not a caring friend. So I left home in anger & I told him to skip me from the plan.
When I was at home in front of my computer, he called me but I did not pick up the phone so he messaged me saying she (my other ex-friend) is not feeling well, she is vomiting & I am taking her to the hospital. I clearly told him that this should not be a lie & what I get in reply. “Are you crazy?? I would never do such a thing”. I ran from my home & while doing that I kept asking him to tell me his location. For those 7-8 mins he kept playing with my feelings & I was running on both sides of the road like a crazy person to find them & every minute his location was different coz he was not even there. So this is how you play with feelings…
When I found them & when I was seated in the taxi, I noticed that he actually lied & made the whole thing up. WHAT A SURPRISE!!!!! He even asked me not to call her as she didn’t want me to know. I trusted that liar. That minute he lost a friend coz he never cared. I wanted to leave the taxi that min but I knew that we had to pick one more person & if we would not do that then this liar would be again a lair in front of his own brother & honestly there was no fault of his brother. I never knew that when I called his brother, he was sleeping otherwise I would have left the taxi the min it passed near my house.
During the journey to the cinema, he messaged me saying relax. I wish I could just smashed his face but unfortunately I used to call him a friend. So many times I have told my friends that when I am in anger, I avoid conversations coz I know I become rude & that is what exactly happened but you know why that happened? Coz they never ever tried to understand me. They always skipped my lines in any message coz I was just a joker in those three who can make others laugh.
We went to the movie & we saw 2012 but in those 2:30 hours, I don’t even remember a single scene from the movie. Throughout that time I was just asking myself why in the hell I was there. I wanted to leave but I was there for no reason. I kept myself quiet & I even ignored people I love & respect. After the movie ended, I apologized lair’s brother regarding my behavior & left all alone. I actually walked half the way back home.
Reaching home I discovered through messages that she was actually asking me not to blame him as he is not a machine & mistakes do happen. She even messaged me that everyday I make almost 20 mistakes but she never says anything. If that is the case, thank you for bearing me all that time. Regarding humans & mistakes, if you keep on ignoring mistakes, they end up in a mess & something like this happened but I’m sure no body cares. Mistakes are made ones. Both of them were telling me that he lied coz he wanted me to be with them. Let me ask you both, if I was not coming, then who the hell waited at the side of the road for almost 45 mins & who the hell went with you without eating anything to the movie. If he wanted me to be there then why the hell he did not come & if he was late then when is he on time?? One of them asked me to ignore so I have decided. I have ended all relations. I will ignore. I will never ever trust his words in my life & if there is no trust, there can’t be any relation. Becoz of him I turned into a rude person, coz of him I had ignored his brother & coz of him I had fights with my family when I reached home. Regarding my other ex-friend, for her I know what I was & what I am, just an emotional foooooool. I ended with her coz she was taking his side & was defending his mistakes. She was only pointing my mistakes. She even asked me not to take it serious. You know why? Coz she never took me serious. So they both lost me. I’m sure they would be happy now coz I know it never makes a difference if a joker is not there.
Before I end this, let me tell you something. The lines for the song I wrote on Friday came true the very next day. It all got broken in the end… (ACHA HAI)
Thank you both for such a wonderful day…
Thursday, December 10, 2009
DAY 217
My friends are planning for a movie but I am going to skip the plan this time. I think they need time alone to sit & think where they go wrong & why the fight that much on weekly basis & why they always ignore other’s mistake & not point them out which in the end turns into a mess. This they should do after the movie or before it. If they started it during the movie, they might be asked to leave the cinema hall. Yes! That is a free advice to you both. For the last 3-4 months I have been giving really good & important advises & for free of cost. That is another thing that none of them follows it but later they tell me that I was right. I’m planning to charge them now for every advice so at least they start listening to it. I don’t say that I’m always right. Sometimes I’m at the left but still they don’t listen. Well! It’s their decision if they listen to it or not but I will always try to be there for them even if they get in trouble after not taking my advice.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
DAY 215
Saturday I discovered another thing. I discovered that one of my niece is now 3 years old & somehow I managed to find her pics. I even discovered her name which I was unaware of it. I feel so strange about all this but I think this is something I deserve.
Here are my all three cute nieces.

I really wish I could have one single day in life with all three of these cuties so I can play with them… I really really wish that…
What a wonderful Sunday (06/12/2009) I had. I think prayers of my friends on Facebook & my close ones actually gave me another wonderful day in life after a gap of almost 2 weeks.
It all started with sadness but turned into a great day. Last Saturday I did not sleep & on Sunday I only slept for 2 hours. So in actual I only slept 2 hours in those 24 hours. My friend was coming from Lahore & my other friend had to pick her up & I had told them that I will not be there this time. I had some things in my mind & because of that I wanted to skip the plan but for of them kept on asking me to come. Last 30 minutes, I came to know that she is almost in the city & my friend is 10 mins away from her. In those 30 mins I got dressed, took a taxi & reached the other side of the city but my dear friend who was 10 mins away from the point reached a min before me. I really hate it when he lies for no reason. I really wish he stop this but I know he can’t because he just doesn’t want too.
Reaching there & giving everyone a surprise was great fun. Only one person knew I was coming & that was my friend who came from Lahore. Even she knew at the last min that I am coming. From there we decided to have lunch & reaching there we found houseful. No we were not at the cinema but in a hotel. We waited for few mins & then we finally did manage to find a table for four. We had some good jokes & some fun at the table. Only one sentence actually made me stopping eating & gave me a shock. The friend who came there in so called 10 mins, he came along with his brother, also my teacher. He trained me for my current job. He is going some tough times in life & I really wish him the best. One of his sentence actually gave me a shock but I just can’t share it here. I can only pray that things work fine for him in the end.
We had plans for the movie but due to lack of time, we skipped that & from there we went for hiking. Reaching there when I first saw the track I said, its easy as compared to the previous one but when we actually went on the rocky paths, damn it was tough. I was the one who slept only 2 hours while one of us just came from Lahore. The other two, they were normal. They were actually running away on the rocks as they have been through those paths before but I had to support my friend all the way & for both of us, it was new, exciting & a bit tough. Some of the rocks were really scary to step on. I had to stand firm on some of them so I can support her to climb up. At one of the rocks I actually had to sit on one of the rocks & had to pull her up. GOD! She is fat…
At one stage it was getting dark & one of us informed that it’s almost 25% more to go but it was her who decided that enough for day. So we walked back from the normal track all the way down. I did miss some parts which I can’t mention here but those were really greatest moments of life too. Why I missed those? The only reason is that I can never express them in words.
When we were planning to go up, we were feeling cold but when we came back, we were sweating. What a wonderful experience. I want to do it all over again. One of my friends got hurt during the journey. No, it wasn’t a physical pain. It was mental pain for him which made him quiet in the last moments of a wonderful trip. If he is reading, just wanna advise him something. Stop your brain going in the wrong direction & please consider us your friends, not your foes.
Before I end this, GOD please please please, let me have more & more wonderful days in life before this life ends…
Friday, December 4, 2009
DAY 211
I want to make some real tough decisions in my life right now. These decisions would hurt others but I will get hurt the most. So I’m again going to hurt people & sooner or later I would get hurt myself. I am just waiting for the right time to hurt myself.
Since last Sunday, I have been in a different state of mind. Not being a normal person. A few things & words in life have converted me to an abnormal person. People are asking to be back to normal but people can always say things to you but no one can show you the exact path to walk on. I don’t take advises because I mostly don’t follow them. I mostly follow my heart but for the past few days, I’m not even doing that.
I asked a family member to put a question on Facebook & I wanted to see what people will reply. The question was, “In the fight of heart & brain, who loose?” Almost all of them said brain. I was amused as I never thought that still a huge amount of people do take decisions following their heart. Well! The answer was incorrect as in a fight of brain & heart the looser in the end is always the human. I have been going through this fight moment for the past 5 days & I can even see myself loosing in the end if any of them wins. This fight is changing my behavior & due to this I’m converting into a rude & a harsh person. I wish I could stop this but I just can’t. See I told you I’m loosing…