Friday, September 11, 2009

DAY 127

Is it hard to apologize if you are on fault? For me no, so today I apologize to a friend of mine with whom I don’t know why but I had broken the relation. Yes! It was my fault. I really hate myself sometimes for hurting others & then eventually I hurt myself but now I’m happy as my apology got accepted. I really need to change myself. I am so bad in relations & at some stage I just let them go for no good reason & don’t’ even try to make it up with others. I will change. I have to because I just can’t keep on hurting myself. By the way, I again missed the whole last night as again I did not sleep. I wish I could do this tonight.

Could you kill someone for only 900Rs???? Could you??? Would you??? GOD I just can’t believe this. A person got killed in an argument with the car rental owners in Lahore. The argument was on ONLY 900Rs. The owners killed him just for 900Rs. What kind of humans are they??? Oh sorry, they are not humans at all. They are an absolute disgrace for human beings & living nature. GOD when will this stop?

A Member of Parliament has just asked to hang those Army Generals that were involved in breaking the constitution of the country. He even asked the ones that are dead to dig them out of their graves & hang them. What the hell is this???? Will they be still sitting inside the grave waiting for the trail??? What stupid thing is this? The one that is dead is dead. Let them go because they are gone. Forget them. Why not hang the current politicians. Nearly all of them are corrupt. All of them break laws & still are at the top positions. The President is one big hell of an example. How about hanging him? He would look even nice while hanging. The whole country knows his actions but no Member of Parliament has the guts to speak against him? Why? The only reason I see is that they want to keep their positions in the Parliament.

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