Monday, July 13, 2009

DAY 67

So at last I came back from Lahore. Been a busy schedule. Did not even sleep properly. Slept after almost 30 hours and still feeling sleepy. So how was the trip? If I’ll be honest, it was ok. Not too good nor too bad. Been through a lot actually. Well! One thing is nice about Lahore, even after midnight you can find people out of their houses. Why? Because there is toooooo much load-shedding so why stay in, go out.

The minute I started my journey, the entertainment started. I was on the train for not more than 5 minutes & a fight started in the cabin where me & my friend were seated. We both played a role to stop it & it worked but only after 30 minutes a new fight started but this time in the next cabin. This time we did not bother to play any role coz it was between a family, ticket checker & the police. The family had guts especially the lady there. No ticket but travelling and kept on arguing & even punched a guy who actually tried to stop the fight. See why we did not bother. So it’s not bad to travel via a train after all. Only two fights made it interesting. Did it? Nah! There was a third fight as well & this time again in our cabin with the guy who brought the tea. Oh the tea guy is the same guy that got punched on his eye while trying to stop the previous fight. So I just asked him to leave before the guy sitting next to me punch on his other eye. Yes! That was fun & we did not sleep throughout the journey. The person sitting next to my friend kept on talking & preaching him regarding Islam as if he was unaware while I acted as if I am sleeping. The remaining of my journey would be in my next blog coz I have a lot to tell.

Just before I end, a respected person from my family sent me an email asking me to stop criticizing the government officials. Why? They do anything & we keep quit? Why asking me to stop? Why not ask them to stop doing foolish things so no one would criticize? It’s not a cyber crime to criticize any public selected official. It is my right & if not then I would call it "so called democratic country". I don’t mind being criticized on my blog, on my writing so do let me know what I wrote wrong as here I write my own feelings. I am not a journalist reporting. I am just one common man living in the country & expressing one common man’s thoughts & feelings which is absolutely no crime in any democratic law.

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