For the last two days, I have not slept well. I go to bed in the morning at 05:00am or a bit late & getting up at 09:30am or 10:00am. I don’t know why but I can’t sleep. While in the evening I feel sleepy but when the time comes, I feel like I don’t require any sleep. Maybe this is temporarily but I really hope it ends.
Today in the morning me & one of my family member, we both tried to take pictures of the 3 kitten but the minute the camera was in front of them, they turned their faces. Guess they are cameras conscious. Will try again tomorrow. I really want to share the beauty that GOD has created. They are actually so cute & lovely.

By the way 'Two Faced' kitten is born in West Virginia. The two-faced kitten was born on Wednesday in Charleston, West Virginia, and was brought to the vet shortly afterwards because its mother refused to nurse it. Each face is a complete separate face, meaning it has two nose, two mouths and four eyes. Wow…
For the past 7 days, 8 people have actually shared their hidden parts of life with me on either chats or sms. It is really strange for me. Some of them, I don’t even know. Just met them online & on their first or either second chat with me, they shared their lives. I would really like to thank all of them for trusting me & making me feel special. I almost asked each one of them that why were they trusting me & sharing their hidden lives but I never got a proper answer. It actually makes me feel happy that people do trust me. So thank you all once again.
A few days back I wrote that Facebook was acting funny & PTCL IP was blocked saying “Bad IP” & use of abusive language. Later I read reviews on online forums where people were discussing this issue. Some of them actually got access to other’s profile & they could actually do anything on their profile. They were all blaming PTCL for it but I don’t agree with this. PTCL can’t have access to Facebook profiles & passwords. Something must have been wrong on Facebook’s server & this must have been from their end. I can’t believe that due to these technical faults, people can access personal information of anyone. I also noticed that no news channel was interested in this. They were all quiet. If PTCL did all that than, Facebook would have blocked it for long & would have investigated. The problem was from their end, so they just blocked it for a while & once fixed, they unblocked it & did not let the news leak out. Otherwise if PTCL was on fault which never makes sense then Facebook actually had a chance to take revenge and hit back as Pakistan blocked Facebook last month and Facebook had to suffer financial loses. I also felt from online searching that this only happened in Pakistan. Facebook must have dedicated different servers to every country & maybe something went wrong only on the server that is dedicated to Pakistan. So everyone, please note that in future any wrong/abusive messages, emails, chats or comments you receive from my end, clarify with me before hating me…
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