Thursday, July 16, 2009

DAY 70

That day when we left PizzaHut with a guilt in our hearts, I came to know that guilt is also served at PizzaHut. Who was at fault? Well the SMS says not me but my other friend & if that was the case then what the hell did I do? I guess nothing but someone’s anger dropped on me. After receiving that SMS, my temperature even raised higher then the outside temperature & I decided not to talk to that friend of mine. So the friend with me kept on asking me to be cool throughout the journey back to the hotel & when we reached there, no lights. Now people tell me not to criticize on government. Well! Once you are in a hotel room for an hour without light & your mind is already boiling, I’m sure you won’t praise the government.

So we kept on talking for an hour & had a real good argument which I eventually won and transferred all my guilt on my friend coz it was his mistake according to the message. After this really not felt staying in Lahore even for one more second & planned to leave the next minute but then he started an argument with the friend that ignored me & left us at PizzaHut & I had a bit of sleep. Oh! We had a plan to visit Wahaga Border but due to the false guidance of the hotel staff we missed that.

We went out of the hotel at around 10:00 in the night & planned to visit Fortess. I did spoke to my family at that time & he spoke to his & we both planned to take something for them. We kept on asking people from where to find the transport for Fortess & they kept on guiding us in wrong direction but we did reach there as we took the rickshaw & broke the rule not to take any. Reaching Fortess we found huge crowd there walking around in no directions or perhaps just wondering what are they doing there. Even we kept wondering that why are we here & guess what, no answers but we had a good chat & made each other felt good & I was even calm now. We planned to skip the dinner as none of us was feeling hungry & we planned that we will visit a few more places next morning. It was almost midnight when we planned to go back to the hotel but it was still looking like 9:00 at night as almost all the roads were filled with heads moving around. We planned to walk half the way & then broke another rule by again taking a rickshaw back to the hotel.

Reaching the hotel we had a fresh juice before going to the bed as my friend felt drinking something. So now we were in separate beds & I was not even sleepy but he took no time & was out. So all the night I was talking to ghosts & he was just using simple templates of yes & no or hmmm… So what could go wrong now? How about turn off the lights? Well we never got the chance to do that as WAPDA is always there to assist you in turning off your lights & taking away your naps. The journey continues…


  1. 1. "both of us were not hungry" BOTH OF US .... BOTH OF US HUH !!!!!!

    2. I think it was later in the night and thanks for reminding me that you had transferred all your guilt to your dear friend

  2. Hey what r friends for??? Anytime buddy anytime. No need 2 thank me :)
